Abdallah S. Abdallah
PhD Candidate / Wireless Networking Researcher Computer Engineer / Blogger

Cross-layer Optimization of HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 Access Networks
Since the Youtube service has started on 1995, the volume of video streaming IP traffic increases dramatically. By the year 2014, it is expected that 77% of the US online activities will be video streaming. Over the last ten years, wireless access networks spread on large scale. Wireless technologies such as WiFi, WiMAX, and 4G represent the major technologies of wireless access networks nowadays. Although of this large scale of using wireless access networks, enough attention has not been given to customize solutions to address the challenges imposed by the wireless links on video streaming applications.
This motivates us to give more attention to the challenges facing adaptive video streaming in wireless last-hop access networks. We are specifically interested in the IEEE 802.11x infra-structure standard mode, (a.k.a., WiFi).
