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Abdallah S. Abdallah
PhD Candidate / Wireless Networking Researcher Computer Engineer / Blogger
Professional ​
Abdallah S. Abdallah is a PhD candidate in ECE department at Virginia Tech. He is a HOKIE who works with Wireless At Virginia Tech (Wireless@VT).
A full C.V. in PDF format, updated June 2015, is available here.
experience​ &
1. Graduate Wireless Intern
Broadcom Corporation, San Diego, California
(August 2013 - November 2013)
Testing VoLTE Handset capabilities using R&D CMW5
Responsible for traffic analysis of VoLTE traffic using customized tools
Developing customized traffic analysis tools using C and Perl
Verifying VoLTE specifications (e.g., AMR, AMR-WB) with respect to GSMA, 3GPP, and RFC standards
2. Graduate Research Assistant
(Wireless At Virginia Tech)
​2009 - present
Supervised by Dr. Allen MacKenzie.
Responsible for architecting, designing and implementing the Flexible Internetnetwork Stack (FINS) Framework.
3. Graduate Technical Intern
Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
July 2011 - December 2011
- Had the chance to work with the Wireless Standards Group in Santa Clara, CA for six months.
- Had been working on simulation and development of cross-layer solutions for LTE networks.
Research Experiences
Adaptive Video Streaming
TCP/IP Stack
IEEE 802.11
Multi-Channel MAC
LTE Fundamentals
Image & Video Processing
Robotics & UAV

Software Packages & Research Tools
NS2/ NS3 network simulators
Matlab & Simulink
​Eclipse/ GitHub/ Doxgen
Xilinx Foundation/ ISE WebPack Xilinx Platform Studio/ AVR Studio

Highly capable in
Socket Programming
Also familiar with
Kernel Modules/ Device Drivers/ Shell Scripts
80x86 / AVR Assembly
Java / Java Script
Tcl/ Tk/ OTcl
2010 - present
2010 - present
4. Assistant Lecturer
​ECE Department, AAST
Alexadria, Egypt
May 2007- July 2009​
- Teaching lectures and tutorials in various computer engineering courses.
- Serving as the department representative and officer of executing the educational quality of service standards according to ISO 9001 earned by AASTMT.
Education & Research
Virginia Tech
PhD Candidate
2008 - present
- Abdallah Abdallah works concurrently on the FINS Framework and on developing cross-layer solutions to improve adaptive video streaming on wireless networks.
Virginia Tech
M.Sc in Computer Engineering
​2005 - 2007
- Abdallah got his M.Sc with a thesis titled "Investigation of New Techniques for Face Detection". He was supervised by Dr. Lynn Abbott from CESCA.
- Thesis is available for download here.
The VT-AAST images benchmarking dataset is an outcome of his thesis efforts, for details go to projects.
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