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A New Color Image Database for Benchmarking of Face Detection Techniques and Human Skin Segmentation Techniques​

A new color face image database for benchmarking of automatic face detection algorithms and human skin segmentation techniques. It is named the VT-AAST image database, and is divided into four parts. Part one is a set of 286 color photographs that include a total of 1027 faces in the original format given by our digital cameras, offering a wide range of difference in orientation, pose, environment, illumination, facial expression and race. Part two contains the same set in a different file format. The third part is a set of corresponding image files that contain human colored skin regions resulting from a manual segmentation procedure. The fourth part of the database has the same regions converted into grayscale. The database is available on-line for noncommercial use.

To get the download link after signing a disclaimer form. Contact any of the following:

Eng. Abdallah S. Abdallah

E-mail: aDOTabdallahATvtDOTedu

Prof. A. Lynn Abbott
E-mail: abbottATvtDOTedu

Prof. M. Abou El-Nasr
E-mail: mnasrATvtDOTedu

The VT-AAST Benchmarking Dataset


T: 540-231-8347




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